Exciting Interview with our CEO featured in AUTLOOK


We are thrilled to share that our CEO, Sascha Gent, has been featured in the latest issue of Autlook!

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In this insightful interview, Sascha Gent delves into our company´s vision for the future, the innovative projects we´re working on, and the strategies driving our success.
A huge thank you to Autlook for this fantastic feature and for highlighting our journey and achievments. Don´t miss out on this great read!


SheGoesDigital Closing Event

CDP had the honor of attending the closing event of shegoesdigital, where the Federal President gave an inspiring welcome speech. It was impressive to see so many talented women interested in the digital world. We are glad that we were there.

Lange Nacht der Forschung


“Die lange Nacht der Forschung” was a great success for the CDP – Center for Digital Production.

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Beer robot: Under the direction of Marcel Fuschlberger, our beverage robot was a highlight for technology and beer lovers alike.
3D Print: Dina Mackic demonstrated the fascinating possibilities of 3D printing.
VR glasses: Our researcher Niphon Jeepjua took visitors into new worlds and introduced them to the future of virtual reality.
Demo cell: Under the direction of Jan Werner, insights into the future of personalized manufacturing were demonstrated.

We are particularly proud of our special children’s program. The young researchers were able to immerse themselves in the world of science in a playful way and learn lots of new things in the process.

A big thank you to all the CDP researchers and staff who made this night an unforgettable experience, your dedication and passion for science inspire us all!

She Goes Digital


CDP opened its doors. Two CDP researchers gave an insight into their daily work on May 3 in the morning.

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The aim was to inspire young girls and women for the world of research, as emphasized by Sascha Gent, CEO of the CDP. Shih Han Cheng Kostohris, the Gender Equality and Diversity Officer, emphasized that diversity in research is particularly important in order to achieve appropriate results.

CDP researchers Beate Wais, Nataliia Klievtsova, Dina Mackic and Mariella Hofer participated in the event. The event was organized by the CDP Gender Office.

IPMAI – Interreg

08.04.2024 – 09.04.2024

We are thrilled to announce our participation in the IPMAI Interpretable prescriptive maintenance with Artificial Intelligence,
an initiative aimed at advancing the global leadership role of the European industry through the utilization of AI. The official kickoff took place on April 8th and 9th at the Software Competence Center Hagenberg.

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IPMAI focuses on making AI benefits accessible to SMEs in a profitable way by simplifying maintenance processes through explainable AI for industrial production plants with gearboxes. The innovative approach of IPMAI involvesusing AI-generated explanations and the gearbox as a wear indicator to optimize operations and reduce costly repairs, ultimately increasing the product lifecycle of machines.

This novel maintenance system not only detects maintenance needs but alsoprovides explanations for optimal use, making it easier for technicians andmachine operators to handle maintenance tasks. This enhances the acceptance of AI systems and enables moderately trained personnel to perform such tasks effectively.

Intertool 2024

23.04.2024 – 26.04.2024

From 23 to 26 April, the CDP had the pleasure of taking part in Intertool and organizing the presentations on the stage in Hall 21.

A big thank you to all the speakers who stood on this stage and shared their expertise and experience. Your contributions not only informed, but also inspired and made Intertool an unforgettable experience.

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We would also like to thank the CDP staff, whose commitment and dedication helped to ensure that everything ran smoothly. There has been a lot of hard work behind the scenes to ensure that the event is a complete success and the commitment has really paid off.

The CDP is grateful to have been part of this event and we look forward to further strengthening the relationships that have been forged.


EDIH Business Talks 2024

We are delighted to have been part of the EDIH Business Talks 2024, which took place as part of the renowned technology and innovation forum Salz21. It was made clear how strong the network is that has already been formed among the EDIHs and what successes have already been achieved in the projects.

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CDP – Austrian Center for Digital Production GmbH was represented on site by Niphon Jeepjua and our CEO Sascha Gent together with our corporate partner HÖRMANN Klatt Conveyors to provide insights into one of the many successful test-before-invest projects of EDIH AI5production.

We thank you for the invitation and look forward to continuing our good cooperation to strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises in Austria and neighboring countries!

If you are also interested in the services of an EDIH, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Robotics Day

FH Technikum Wien

Here are some impressions of this year’s Robotics Day at UAS Technikum Wien.

We had a lot of fun and will definitely be back next year!


CDP Camera-Casing at FIS Ski World Cup

The FIS Alpine Ski World Cup is once again thrilling spectators on site and in international broadcasts.

CDP is very proud to be involved in the technical implementation of the live broadcast and to supply ORF with customized camera housings.

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These are produced using the latest additive manufacturing technologies and can therefore be adapted to different areas of application.

We look forward to working with ORF in the future and providing exciting sports broadcasts!

If your company also needs support with additive manufacturing, please do not hesitate to contact us!



The CDP is very proud to be part of the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) AI5production!

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Since November 2022, we have been offering a wide range of subsidized services to support SMEs and mid-caps (especially in Austria) in their digital transformation and thus strengthen the Austrian economy.

This is done, among other things, in 100% funded “Test before Invest” projects for the companies, in which large investments can be evaluated and prototyped in advance together with experienced experts without financial risks.

15 of these projects have already been successfully completed and several more are currently underway. You can find more information here.

If you are interested, we as CDP, but also our network partners, are available at any time. Contact us and let us show you the possibilities in our EDIH!

🎄✨ Happy holidays from the Austrian Center For Digital Production ✨🎄

The Christmas season is upon us and we at ACDP would like to send our best wishes to all our customers, partners and colleagues.

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This time of year is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the achievements of the past year and express our gratitude for the support and collaboration that made them possible.

2023 was a year of growth, challenges and learning for us. We have launched new projects, achieved important milestones and further expanded our community of experts who are committed to excellence in the field of Industry 4.0.

During this festive season, we would like to encourage everyone to take a moment to relax, rejuvenate and spend time with loved ones. Let’s embrace the spirit of giving and kindness, not only within our professional networks, but also in our communities.

Looking ahead to 2024, we are looking forward to the new opportunities and adventures that await us. We are determined to continue our journey of innovation and collaboration, and we can’t wait to share more of our journey with you.

All of us at ACDP wish you Happy Holidays! May your holidays be filled with joy, peace and prosperity.


IoT Forum

We are very pleased to announce our participation in this year’s IoT Forum on November 23, 2023 in the magnificent Gironcoli Crystal. It’s a great opportunity to connect with industry leaders and innovators in the field of digital production and Industry 4.0.

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Highlight of the event: Our very own beer robot! Experience first-hand the fusion of traditional brewing skills with state-of-the-art robotics. It is not just a shop window, but a revolution in the manufacture and handling of products.

Special presentation by Dieter Etz: Our esteemed colleague Dieter Etz will give an exciting presentation on the topic of “Flexible safety systems | Enabler for comprehensive reconfigurable manufacturing systems in Industry 4.0”.

Don’t miss out on this!

Further information and the possibility to register can be found on the event website: https://www.iot-forum.at/

We look forward to seeing you there and exploring new horizons in digital production together!

Special thanks to SUCCUS | Wirtschaftsforen, Katharina Zauner and Barbara Schneeweiss


Partner conference

Review of an unforgettable partner conference at CDP – Austrian Center for Digital Production GmbH! We would like to thank all our partners who took part. Their contributions and insights were invaluable, and together we made this event a triumph of collaboration and forward thinking.

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One outstanding moment was the insightful keynote speech by Maria Freese from Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, who dealt with “Applied Immersive Games as Enablers of Innovation”. Her expertise gave the event an invigorating touch and opened up new avenues for creative thinking.

The panel discussion chaired by Klaus Paukovits was equally captivating, not only providing food for thought, but also triggering a dynamic exchange that went far beyond the session.

For those who would like to revisit the insights shared, or for our colleagues who were unable to attend, we have good news! All highlights, photos and presentations from the conference are available on our website. Immerse yourself here and experience the inspiration and innovation that characterized our meeting.

Let’s keep the momentum going! May we turn the connections made and ideas sparked into ventures that lead us to new horizons of success.

14.06.23 – 22.06.23

Proge & ÖGB Congress

From June 14 to June 22, we were at the PROGE and ÖGB Congress at the Austria Center with our demonstrator and a specially built beer robot.

What can we tell you, the beer robot was a complete success!

Many thanks to Kerstin Repolusk for the great organization.

12.06.23 – 16.06.23

35th CAiSE

Our colleague Beate Scheibel was at the 35th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE) in Zaragoza.

She presented her paper: “An End-to-End Approach for Online Decision Mining and Decision Drift Analysis in Process-Aware Information Systems”.


EIT Manufacturing

On 1 June, we took part in this year’s Manufacturing Day, which was organized by EIT Manufacturing.

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It was a networking event with representatives from different areas of the EIT Manufacturing network and beyond. There was a keynote speech by Gerd Leonhard and Mariana Mazzucato and a high-caliber panel discussion with her, Michael Friedl and Werner Wutscher. Embedded in the event was the BoostUp East 2023 Award, in which 9 start-ups (pre-selected finalists) from Central and Eastern Europe faced a jury in a pitching competition. The participants were able to exchange ideas with the partners from industry and academia who were also present and make new contacts beyond Austria’s borders.