The overarching goal of Area 3 “Process-Based Manufacturing Orchestration” is to provide a methodological and theoretical framework as well as a software toolchain for the introduction, efficient implementation and management of intra- and inter-organizational production processes for our industry partners.

The framework developed to date and the constantly refined toolchain should provide a solid basis for

  • fast turnaround times in the development of e.g. worker assistance systems or fully automated production systems
  • Iterative approach based on comprehensible artifacts in the design of such systems
  • A solid foundation for data collection and aggregation with automatic contextualization based on production processes modeled in modern graphical modeling languages
  • A solid foundation for data analysis with heuristic and machine learning methods that allows to skip the typical ETL approach and enable immediate results based on standard tools developed in Area 3

Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Math. Dr. Stefanie Rinderle-Ma


Beate Wais, MSc., BSc., BSc. (WU)


Chair of Information Systems and Business Process Management